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    « told you I would! | Main | toastie! »

    11 January 2010



    Oh, I love those! I used to have one that was very similar, but you could put liquids in it too, which was very useful. It eventually died, and I've never found another.

    Incidentally, I sent you a message on Linked In the other day, but I don't know how often you check it or if they send email alerts, so I don't know if you got it! It was about the new Life Club I'm starting in Newcastle next week - as another local coach I thought you might be interested.

    Janice Robertson

    What a great present. I can see how this would come in very handy and it doesn't take up much space - always a plus.

    I welcome useful kitchen type things as well - last year William bought me a blowtorch (amongst other lovely presents). Can't help thinking though that secretly he wanted to use the blowtorch himself!

    jo arnold

    ooh i have one of those they are fab, but it doeant hold liquids which would be a plus .

    Helen Charlton

    I like that alot. I could even put it on a shelf and look at it . . . What does it do? Love Helen x (Your non-cook friend)


    Oooh i love that, lakeland have some lovely stuff at the moment-its so retro and cute.

    I just love your blog!

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