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    01 April 2009



    Hello Sarah,
    what a lovely post! I enjoyed knitting the tea cosy for you enormously, and seeing your reaction has made it even more enjoyable!
    We did have the most wonderful time at the cottage. It's so unique, shame there aren't more like it around the U.K.
    And thank you so much for the jam, I forgot to thank you for it.................. absolutely delicious! I'm loving having it on my toast every day, it makes me think of our wonderful time at the cottage.
    Take care, and I hope you're feeling well?
    Lots of love, Vanessa xxx

    Helen Charlton

    Oooooooooh what a scummy tea cosy, AND WHAT A LOVELY SUPRISE!! You deserve it 'CAUSE YOUR LOVELY!!
    Love Helen, x x x


    ooh how lovely, Vanessa certainly does have a gorgeous blog xx

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