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    « thoughtful present! | Main | a surfeit of plums - part one »

    11 April 2009


    Janice Robertson

    What a beautiful sign to put outside your baby's nursery. Hope you have a lovely Easter break in Scotland. xxx


    And speaking of lovely and unexpected presents, can I say thank you for ours? Home-made raspberry jam - beyond delicious and a colour to die for. You are lovely. Thank you sooooo much. x

    Helen Charlton

    You are lovely!! Happy Belated Easter!!


    Hello Sarah,
    I'm just copying and pasting this last message I sent to the e-mail address you left with your comment. It was returned to me, as was the message I sent to you from your comment a few days ago, so maybe the e-mail address you put with your comment isn't quite right?
    Anyway, this is what I wrote!

    Dear Sarah,
    Oh I did wonder how you're getting on! Can't believe the time has gone
    so quickly! How are you feeling Sarah?
    What a lovely name you've chosen for him, I really like the name Jake.
    I tried to reply to your comment from the other day, but the message
    was returned, hope I have better luck with this one.
    Love Vanessa xxx

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