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    « fusion cooking at it's peak?! | Main | Whitby magic »

    11 December 2008


    Janice Robertson

    Maybe it's a bit of all three? Tee Hee!

    Great post.

    Love Janice xxx

    Linda Lilly  Kiss Noises

    OK it is I not you that needs to get a life....I didn't even know there was such a thing and I am sure there must be a Starbucks somewhere here in Australia, i just don't remember seeing one around here....I am missing out!!! I need your ENL but most of all now I need a red cup!!
    Kiss noises, off to look up Starbucks in the telephone directory, Linda Lilly Cottage

    Ruthanne (in Seattle)

    I followed over here from Jane Brocket's blog - am wondering if you could send me a link to the EFT information. I am having issues with my back and would be interested in trying something that has been successful. Thank you.


    HURRAH! I think this is one of the most fantastic things I've read in a while.................. I love your fighting spirit...................... And if I was a egg nog drinker, I would be eternally grateful to you............... actually I'm in awe that you put up a fight, you're an inspiration................ I mean, how many times have I meekly accepted an unwanted change..................... I imagine it helps your fighting spirit to have a net-work of like-minded people to spur you on................. WELL DONE I say! And have a wonderful eggy noggy Christmas.........................

    Account Deleted

    You do need to get out more sweetie, but we all have our cute little ways!
    Happy Crristmas to you tucked away in your mistletoe strewn "Hideaway Cottage".......


    I tried the toffee one (i think it was toffee nut hot chocolate..:/), and it was actually quite nice :')
    The cookies are delicious!
    there are still quite a few left because mother won't let me eat them -_-
    I need to try them with some tea,
    I reckon it would be proper nice.


    thanks Paige :-) glad you liked the cookies - your mum is so mean!!

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