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Christmas wishes...

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    I really have been a good girl, and I am sure Christmas is on the way...

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    18 November 2007



    I love the old fashioned advent calenders and looked forward to getting on each year for my son. Eventually we bought him a musical Christmas tree which had a collection of wooden ornaments which were hidden in the numbered drawers underneath. We do still have it!

    Perhaps I should still have one for myself!

    I have that Delia Christmas book and like you get it out each year.

    I have not been to your blog before and I love your cottage - it's gorgeous.

    Your Christmas wishes list is interesting too - I even have some of those on my list (I do like a lot of Boden things but as you say there seems to be very long waiting lists this year) I love the hat! I hope your wishes are granted.

    Will be dropping by again,



    nice post, feeling very christmassy. I am just about to go open my Christmas mags for some new inspiration, oh and buy some more for this year!



    Janice Robertson

    Can't believe that clip of Delia! She's certainly been at the cooking sherry!!! Good on her - it's good to see her not so restrained.

    I too have been delving into my food mags trying to come up with a veggie Christmas option for William. Last year I made a puff pasty log type thing filled with quorn mince, juniper berries, red wine and shitake mushrooms with all the usual trimmings of roast and mashed potatoes, honey roast parsnips, brussel, sprouts,carrots,and cranberry and port sauce.

    Might do the same thing this year as it went down very well.'s feeling more Christmassy by the minute.



    I have just bought some christmas mags to browse - I have a delia christmas from two years ago too.

    I love old fashioned advent calendars too - I am on the hunt for one!

    Cherry Menlove

    Sarah, I love the soft green tiles around your fire. How pretty. I also have some old, old, magazines I drag out each year, they haven't dated too much yet!

    Cherry Menlove


    thank you Cherry. When we bought the house can you believe someone had magnolia painted over them! A bottle of nitromorse later and ta dah!


    Very amusing and entertaining piece of writing about Christmas! I buy hugo an advent calender each year, spending loads of time looking for the right one....... In recent years I've been buying the Oxfam advent calender.

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